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The safety and security of our students are always at the forefront of our minds, and even more so following the heartbreaking events that happened at Covenant School in Nashville last month. We are continually assessing the safety protocols and safety features we have in place and receiving counsel from outside security consultants on how to best protect our church, our children, and the students and faculty of New Song Christian Academy.

In taking steps to further strengthen campus security, We presented the following to the church on Sunday, April 16:

  • Install ballistic film on all glass doors and windows. A ballistic film application uses sophisticated technology to prevent glass from shattering, making an intruder work much harder to gain entry. This added layer of protection slows down an active shooter and allows emergency response teams more time to arrive at the scene. We’ve included a link HERE to read more about this ballistic film and watch a demonstration video.

  • Extend current fencing to better secure the perimeter of our property.

  • Upgrade our security system with sirens, open door sensors, and panic buttons.


The capital cost for these additional security measures is approximately $50,000. This is not something we have budgeted for so we are asking each of us to prayerfully consider partnering together in giving to help offset this expense. There may be grandparents and other family members who want to give towards this as well, so please feel free to share the link and instructions below with anyone who would like to contribute. We will also be presenting this to our New Song Christian Academy family as we will all need to bear the cost of this for the sake of our children and staff.

Our first step is to secure funding and then have these items ordered and installed. Most of the installation will take place this summer. We are believing to see the money harvested by the end of April.

Thank you for continuing to help us faithfully steward all the Lord has given us. We are so thankful for each of you and the privilege of serving together.

New Song Pastoral Team and Elder Council​


  1. CLICK THIS LINK (you will be forwarded to New Song Nashville’s PushPay page).

  2. Under “Giving Type” select “Special Offering/Specify in Memo” from dropdown list.

  3. Type “Security” in the memo.

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